Sunday, March 6, 2011


My husband and nephew
Family is so important.  None of us were meant to walk this earth alone.  After God created Adam, God said that it was not good for man to be alone and so God created Eve.  He created the first marriage - a man and a woman who then went on to have children.  God's plan was for us to have a family whether it is  family by birth or a family by heart.

I am blessed to have both a family by birth and by heart.  I have not always fit in with my birth family though I love them dearly.  I also have spent most of my life living far away from them (I'm excited that most of them are moving closer in a few weeks).  But God has blessed with me with a family of the heart.  My family of the heart consists of two moms, Mrs. Ann and Momma Shirley; a dad, Papa Bull; sisters and brothers, you all know who you are; and lots of nieces and nephews.  This family of choice has held me up in the hard times, encouraged me through the difficult times, laughed, and cried with me. 

When I was young I didn't think I needed anyone, now I know better.  The only thing that matters after you leave this world is the effect you had on the lives of the people God has put you in contact with.  As I spent time with my precious nephews this week, I was reminded how quickly they are growing up.  Time is passing so fast.  The time we have with our family is limited.  Make sure the busyness of life and the lies of this world don't steal from you that which is most important.