Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Into the Lions' Den

Hello, World!

I've avoided creating a blog for the simple fact that once you post something for the world, you open yourself to criticism and judgement. Life is hard enough without creating more stress for oneself. However as president of the Little Rock Chapter of the American Christian Writers, I want to encourage our members to overcome their fears and get their writing into the hands of publishers, the internet, or whatever area it is they write for. So I need to model what I say.

So, here I am world. I am a Christian. If you decide to follow or read this blog and think that I will say and or do everything right, you will be disappointed. I'm not here to argue my beliefs. You can agree or disagree. Fellow Christians, if you think I will always agree with you because you are a Christian, you too will be disappointed.

So I enter into the Lions' Den also known as the internet praying that God will protect me from harm.

1 comment:

  1. I admire you for desiring to follow Jesus Christ, that is my desire as well. I look forward to sharing my life with you as we both encourage each other in our walk for the Lord. My desire in life is to love you with the love of Christ. It is the only way that I will be truly happy in my life with you.
