Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Meet Bonnie

If you've read some of the older posts, you probably know a bit about me.  It wasn't until recently that I developed a vision for 'A Dynamic and Imperfect Christian'.  I wanted to create a blog that spoke about living the Christian life.  Being a Christian has never been easy, but this world has made it even more difficult as people are forgetting what being a Christian truly means.  It means following Christ.  It means loving people especially those the world avoids or shunned.  It's about sharing a message of love, forgiveness, and acceptance.

I like to say I'm a southern Chamorro or a land-locked islander.  My mother's family is Catholic; however, I grew up Baptist.  I have had the pleasure of exploring and determining my own beliefs. I've attended Shabbat morning service. I've walked out of a "healing" ceremony.  And I've attended African-American churches.  In college, I had professors that taught that the Bible was mythology and took a world religions class that tried to teach that all religions are equally valid.  I've even spent some time at seminary.  All of that to say, I chose faith in Christ.  Having chosen it, I now must walk it and the path is hard.

*Bonnie J. Sterling calls herself a southern Chamorro and a landlocked islander. She has her first short story out in the MetaHuman Press Anthology Modern Gods titled "Ice Beauty". Her second short story, "Troubled Waters," just released in ProSe Press' To Love and Die anthology.

You can follow her on
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BonnieJAuthor.
Website: www.bonificia.com
Twitter: @bonificia

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