Sunday, February 6, 2011

Anything to Get Attention

Some people will do anything to get attention whether good or bad.  I had the fortune to work with a young woman tonight who was dealing with a false friend.  Now that she's cut her friend out of her life because of the drama the friend brings, the friend is making up things and trying to starts fights and drama just to get attention.  I walked her through the process of non-response.  It's very difficult to not respond to people who are ugly, but inevitably by ignoring or not rising to the bait, this girl saves herself lots of drama and the friend is left in her own ugly world to deal with her mess herself. (If you can look at things objectively, the actions of this kind of person are almost always hilarious.)  If you find yourself in this situation, I tell you the same thing I told this young woman.  Block the phone numbers, email, Facebook, etc.  If you can't receive the messages, they can't bother you.

It's difficult to get away from some people, but when people are detrimental to your life, it is the right thing to do.  The right thing is often hard to do, but the rewards are great.  And remember, for those who have put their faith in Christ, you are never alone.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, we should not be unequally yoked with anyone that takes us away form Christ's path. And yes, you are not alone, Jesus is with you and will bring better people into your life:)
